This blog is gonna be dedicated to everything and anything that makes me shudder (..and hopefully you will agree!)
Think I'll just dive on in on this one..
1. Cutlery scraping on a plate
My sister is the worst culprit for this! Ahh! It just makes me wanna throw the plate at her head, I hate it so much :S
The repulsive shrieking screams of a plate being attack by a villainous fork is offensive to my ears and makes me want clamp my teeth so hard that my jaw, in the words of The Spices Girls.. "becomes one" with my face.
2. When food isn't divide equally
Pizza is by far the champion of unequal sharing foods! Never have a found a pizza that I could happily tuck into without judging which half is the bigger one.. yes I am greedy - but come on.. PIZZA! It's amazing :P
Also, I have such a sweet tooth, so cake isn't great at this either.. Always found myself moving round the table or group when I was a kid just so I didn't end up with a crappy tiny little non-existent piece of cake! :L
3. Razors vs. Nails
Now it can't just be me, but when I am happily shaving my legs, probably singing an awful but catchy tune and therefore not paying full attention.. I have my razor in one hand and the other is checking I didn't miss any bits (#fairhairproblems :P) and then all of a sudden my razor catches my nail and takes a chunk out of it.. even thinking about it now is making me squirm! It's actually the most hateful feeling ever if this has never happen to you.. I don't wish this on my worst enemy NJ!
4. Dish-Water Nasties
This entails any food particles or rubbish (wrappers and napkins etc) getting into the dirty water in the sink and you touching it with your bare hand! It's soo gross :S As you might know I work in a cafe and so I hafta do the dishes at times and yes we do have a dish washer but you still hafta use the sink.. the amount of creepy weird rubbery foods there are hiding in that murky water is indescribable!
5. Cutlery That's Touched Foil/Metal
Again back to that evil cutlery! This especially happens when you get chinese food or even like a gravy/curry chip from the chipshop! That metallic taste is the most horrendous taste that I've ever encountered.. Grim! Why do these lovely eateries with their delicious food want to ruin it with this disgusting taste?! Either give me a plastic fork or get new containers! Bluuh!
6. Nearly Stepping in Something Icky
I'm not sure if this is just me or a universal thing but I always get a shiver up my spine after nearly stepping in something dodgy :S I'll not go into too much detail on this one haha!
7. Breaking a Nail and Thinking You've Lost Half Your Finger
Recently I got lovely acrylic nails on which I've had all summer. Usually i keep my nails short but i fancied a change so I'm now used to super long fingers as I keep the nails quite long. However, tragedy struck when one came off and then my natural nail broke (in work! :( ) and left my with a tiny boy nail! Sad times :( Now every time i text or use my mobile I see it out of the corner of my eye and think I'm missing half my finger.. It really freaks me out at times :S
Also this causes rag nails which then catch on every material possible! Frustrating times!
8. Anything associated with Saw or Hostel Films
I watched these when I was younger and traumatised myself! Between needle pits, slitting peoples ankles and something called the hand trap.. if you want to look it up its Saw 2 but its pretty horrid.. I just wanted to boke at my TV screen while squirming about and watching the movies through a gap in my hand!
9. PDAs
Otherwise known as public displays of affection. Yes I'm all for romance and all but ya know keep it inside.. if I wanna be part of your relationship I'll message you on facebook or reply to your online advertisements! Holding hands and minor cute stuff is grand but when you start to feel hungry and decide that the best way to cure this is by cleaning the inside of your partners mouth then it's gone too far! Private things for private times please :D
10. Knuckle Cracking
My other half is notorious for doing this.. He even has a wee routine where he pops each finger individually which is followed by him cracking his knuckles and wrists in every way he can and then if that's not enough he has to finish with his neck. It grosses me out so much! :S I don't seem to mind other body parts doing it which is quite odd but the fingers and neck really get me!
Let me know what creeps you guys out and if any are similar to mine!
Love Becci xx
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